London Velonotte Olimpica June 23-24, 2012

First of all, it was a wonderful night in the East End, gentle rain, stormy weather… kind of we really enjoy in Velonotte. Some hundreds of people gathered at the Spitalfields market to explore the narrow streets of the Great East End. The original inspiration for the route came from the canals, and it was great that after several changes, the canal system became focal point of attraction, thus first London Velonotte could be also called Venetian – in terms how much water we had around.
When the bell stroke midnight, Resonance FM and Jack Thurston started the broadcasting with our dialogues with historian John Marriott on complex relations between the East End and the word “poverty”, architect Richard Rogers has been recalling going out in the 1950s to the local Jewish restaurants, good and cheap, with remarkable quotes like “in those times when the word spaghetti was unknown in England” and “before 1990s London looked more like an Eastern Block city”…Then after passing Curtain rd. with recently discovered remains of the Shakespeare’s first theater, it was Hoxton square, gentrification or better drinkification spot, with Will Palin, historian, campaigner for preservation of this area and ex-director of the Save Britain heritage. Moscow-based art critic Valentin Diakonov has told the concepts behind the White Cube gallery, situated here, one of the leaders in the contemporary art scene.
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Rushing through the Chrisp Street Market, by Jo Burridge/iGuzzini |
In the middle of the night we’ve crossed Hackney road entering small and cozy Temple street to meet the elegance of Denys Lasdun’s Keeling house restored not much time ago. For this occasion it was illuminated by iGuzzini lighting, changing colors, a pure jewel of concrete.
Not everything was clear in this dark night, some tires broken, some people lost. Almost four hours later, after Bethnal Green and its winding story, Bolshevik’s London, Victoria park, Olympics and Chrisp street market, we’ve joined our final destination - the Canary Wharf. The picnic was staged in a dry place – a fine crystal structure called East Wintergarden. This time no plants, just us and fantastic music. To meet sunrise and Velonotte famous Nic Pendlebury with Trinity Laban string orchestra has prepared a set dedicated to the first light, air and summer... A special tune was about English summer 2012 and it was called… “Winter”! Around 4-44 o’clock the sky in the glass roof became a bit brighter. It was morning. Both musicians and public looking amazed at each other.
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First rays of strings...Music dawn with Trinity Laban strings orchestra/Velonotte |
Rain almost stopped and we could go home. As usual Velonotte's Central Comittee was last to leave the place, we made some more happy miles and had a breakfast in the Bagel’s place in Shoreditch. Paradise for early birds. Rain dropped in again. Some tires broken again and we are home...
* * *
London Velonotte was based on the dialogues with 13 leading experts - Peter Acroyd, David Adjaye, Ricky Burdett, Valentin Diakonov, Clive Dutton, Kathryn Firth, Linda Hirst, Tom Holbrook, Peter Murray, John Marriott, Will Palin, Richard Rogers and Sergey Romanyuk. We think to publish an East End guidebook featuring these dialogues, in a slightly extended version. We are actually seeking for some English volunteers who can help us to script these dialogues from audio tracks to text file. Please write us an email, if you are interested. We are also looking for a publishing house to do it.
PS: We are waiting patiently for your photos, videos as well as comments. Everything is interesting for us! You can also see and tag your friends in the beautiful photo services realized by iGuzzini.
And what about next year? Some of you said you want us to return. Festival has proposed to do it an annual London event. So we start to work on the Velonotte Albertina to discover first machine age places. And of course underground. You might like also join us in Rome, for Velonotte Roma Botanica 2013. Dates to be confirmed a bit later.
And what about next year? Some of you said you want us to return. Festival has proposed to do it an annual London event. So we start to work on the Velonotte Albertina to discover first machine age places. And of course underground. You might like also join us in Rome, for Velonotte Roma Botanica 2013. Dates to be confirmed a bit later.
Created and produced by
& Velonotte International
Broadcasted by the Resonance FM and Jack Thurston
based on the dialogues with
Peter Acroyd
David Adjaye
Ricky Burdett
Valentin Diakonov
Clive Dutton
Kathryn Firth
Linda Hirst
Tom Holbrook
Peter Murray
John Marriott
Will Palin
Richard Rogers
Sergey Romanyuk
Special thanks to Jessame Cronin, Sasha Afanasieva, Clem Cecil, The Zavyalovs, Victoria Aristova, Marina Avdonina, Julia Mineeva, Lena Golubeva, Maria Nemtsova, Alex Crawford, Lauren McKirdy, DJ Kostya, Sonya Kishkovsky and all of our friends in the UK.
Thanks to Max “the Great” Ushakov
Supported by
London festival of Architecture,
Mottra guilt-free caviar house &
iGuzzini UK architecture lighting
Media supported by
Project Russia
Domus magazine,
Russian Embassy in London
British Council for media support.
London Velonotte star map by
Dasha Serebryakova,
(remix by Dorfmeister)
Dima Talashov of Ipanema studios
Artem Yakimenko
Original soundtrack
Sweet Underground
Music picnic venue
East Wintergarden
Thanks to our British marshalls, Southwark cyclists and Hackney Bike Workshop for their nightlong assistance.
© 2012, Sergey Nikitin, VeloNotte/ MosKultProg. All rights reserved.

ЗОЛОТОЙ ЗАПАД. На велосипеде. В ночь со 2 на 3 июня
Шестая Московская Велоночь MOSCOW VELONOTTE 2012 была посвящена юбилею Отечественной войны 1812 года, урбанизму, пейзажу и архитектуре западных земель современной Москвы. В рассказе блистали колоритные и знаменитые на всю страну имена - Мосфильм, Крылатское, Кутузовский, Козловский лес...
Вот это ночь была! Весь вечер столицу заливал тропический ливень, переходящий в ураган. И все же у музея "Бородинская панорама" на Кутузовском собиралось все больше людей. И вдруг, ровно за час до старта, дождь кончился. На небе появились звезды, которые с удивлением взирали на тысячи промокших, но не растерявших азарта велоночников. Старт дан!
После почти 30-километрового маршрута (обещали, что будет длинно), рассказов Эльдара Рязанова, Александра Кибовского, Сергея Нечаева, Наума Клеймана и Юлии Кернер, праздник завершился на Воробьевых горах. Играла скрипка, в воздух взлетали шарики... Стоит ли говорить, что на следующий день дождь продолжился? И танцевальное афтер-парти на "Стрелке" переросло в чаепитие.
Благодарим всех наших партнеров и друзей, а особенно - агентство "Правила Общения", энергичную радиостанцию "Маяк" и Комитет по туризму г.Москвы, который принял участие в полном составе!
До встречи в следующем году, на 7-ой Московской "Южной" Велоночи памяти В.В.Маяковского!